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PJSC SIC “Borshchahivskiy CPP” has 20-years experience of development of medicinal products.
Due to the formation of internal research and development centre with functional system of development and implementation into production of new medicinal products, well-trained qualified personnel and highly equipped laboratories the enterprise managed to make a significant step in receiving and presentation of scientific knowledge about the medicinal products and considerably expand the product list.
Nowadays more than 10 % of scientists and experts of the plant are working in the field of research and development. Formula for success is also in cooperation with more than 50 leading institutes, laboratories and research sites.
Pharmaceutical innovations are the complicated creative process that includes much more elements than researches. The important task of the system for development and implementation into the production of new medicinal products is to provide the interrelation with other processes at the plant relating to the life cycle of medicinal product. Such approach allows to provide the quality of the product along the technological chain, it means to “build” the quality in the product starting from the moment of its development and ensure the constant reproduction of this quality from batch to batch. Moreover, in order to provide accessibility of medicinal products the company makes maximum efforts on minimization of temporal and financial expenses starting from the scientific idea through the development and ending in regulatory confirmation and marketing of the product.