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Axotilin tablets Axotilin/N06B X06
Axotilin tablets

Axotilin/N06B X06

Active substance:

citicoline (as citicoline sodium) - 500 mg.

Psychostimulants, agents used for ADHD and nootropics. Citicoline significantly accelerates functional recovery of patient with acute stroke, which occurs simultaneously with localisation of the ischemic brain damage according to neurovisualization. Citicoline accelerates recovery and reduces the duration and intensity of post-traumatic syndrome in patients with brain injury. Citicolineimproves attention and awareness, reduces amnesia events, cognitive and neurological disorders associated with cerebral ischemia.


  • Stroke, acute period of ischemic stroke and its complications.
  • Craniocerebral injury and posttraumatic neurological abnormalities.
  • Neurological disorders (cognitive, sensitive, motor abnormalities) caused by chronic cerebral disorders of degenerative or vascular origin.

Dosage and pharmaceutical form:

tablets 500 mg, 10 tablets in blister, 3 blisters in package.